PASE is in the NSPN Chapter Spotlight!

Alligator on the shore of Lake Alice within the University of Florida campus in Gainesville, Florida (also in picture are two softshell turtles). Photo by Porsche997SBS via Wikimedia Commons

PASE Gators Estefania Urrego Hernández and Esteban Bermúdez-Berríos shared PASE’s mission and impact with NSPN in their latest blog post, which has been featured in this month’s Chapter Spotlight.

Check out NSPN’s blog post by clicking the image below:

Screenshot of NSPN Chapter Spotlight

This news article was originally published through the National Science Policy Network’s Chapter Spotlight microblog, however, since that has gone offline, we have opted to host it ourselves.
Kassandra Fernandez
Kassandra Fernandez

My research interests include STEMM mentorship, social responsibility, science communication, and science and education policy.